October 13, 2005

Noodle Imperialism

It looks as though we now have the final proof that it is the Chinese who are responsible for the spread of noodles throughout the world.

Previously, there was debate about whether it might be possible that the Italians invented noodles. The Italians can be blamed for many things, but it seems noodles are not one of them. Marco Polo was probably responsible for being a mere vessel for Chinese noodle imperialism, but he certainly knew not what he was doing.

Some historians also theorized that "Arabs" might have first developed the technology to make noodles. Again, we can blame Arabs for lots of things (and boy, what a passtime that has become), but noodles now must be stricken from their list of noteworthy efforts.

The conclusive evidence, estimated to be 4,000 years old, was found at the Lajia archaeological site on the Yellow River, and were made from millet grass, unlike modern wheat flour noodles.


Anonymous said...

Not to be a nipicker (lol) but the expression is passtime, as in "this is something we do to pass the time".

Past-time means you're late.

Anonymous said...

Not to be a nipicker (lol) but the expression is passtime, as in "this is something we do to pass the time".

Past-time means you're late.

Stephen McArthur said...

We're all human...I knew something was wrong with it when I wrote it but I was too much in a hurry when I wrote to check it. This is proof positive that we all need editors, except maybe Winston Churchill.

Stephen McArthur said...

By the way, is Anonymous an ADP Prof? I wonder.......