July 16, 2006

Restore Your Manhood

Have you seen the Hummer ad on television? The one with two guys standing in a grocery line, with the one in front buying tofu, while the guy behind him is buying mounds of beef and ribs? The guy in front seems so embarrased when the guy behind him sees his tofu, that he is forced to immediately rush to a Hummer dealership where he buys a Hummer and restores his manhood. He is now sitting behind his big fat Hummer in control!!

This is the ad for the guy who has no self-respect, no self-esteem, and, of course, has no idea what it means to be a man. This is the ad for the guy who wants to be as dull and stupid as men can be, as insecure as I worry most of them are. This ad is not funny, although some puerile ad writers probably thought it was.


DecemberFlower said...

So, one more in a long trend of "Don't be a girly man" commercials? I suppose this one fits right in with the Burger King and TGI Friday's ads from a few months ago?

Elvez73 said...

Yeh, that is the most asinine ad I have seen in a while, manliness=huge gas-guzzling suv, disgusting. Great blog by the way.

enigma4ever said...

Sadly the "Female" version of the ad is even worse, it is about a mom that is slighted at the playground so she grabs little Jimmy's hand and drags him to the Ummer dealership and whips out her checkbook to soothe her damaged "ego" with a new toy...too friggin' weird...I don't know what idiot wrote the ads, but too strange...so stupidity sells large gas guzlers...hmmmmm

Lots of reading to do here- good job as usual - Thank Heavens the Blogs still are the best journalistic Mecca out there...

Anonymous said...

As a woman, I'd choose a guy driving a Hummer over a guy buying tofu anytime! Women like manly men! It's the manly feminists who are destroying our society.

Stephen McArthur said...

As a very manly feminist, I thank you for your sentiments. If you were a woman, I'd expect more insight from you. As a man, you speak eloquently (wink) for the dominant patriarchy.